Quick Facts
Setting: Urban
Population (core): 3.4M
Population (metro): 6.7M
Best time to visit: Year-round
Top Sights

Leaning Tower of Pisa
Elaborately adorned 14th-century tower (56 meters at its tallest point) with a world-famous lean.

Cattedrale di Pisa
Grand marble-striped cathedral known for its ornate Romanesque bronze doors & carved 1300s pulpit.

Piazza dei Cavalieri
Renaissance square with a statue of Cosimo I de Medici, the first Grand Duke of Tuscany.

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Spina
Small church built in the 1200s featuring an ornate gothic facade, many statues & a painted ceiling.

Battistero di San Giovanni
Large medieval baptistery praised for its acoustics, with panels by renowned sculptor Pisano.
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